Saturday, March 5, 2011

Six Months and then Seven--Where does the time go?

Wow! Beckett is seven months old already! I feel like it was just yesterday that I held him in my arms for the first time! The last two months have been crazy! I had planned on posting at least once a month with an update, but life got the best of me.

I used to really look forward to January because it felt so calm and restful, but being stuck inside with two sick boys for so much of January and February has certainly altered my opinion! Both boys had fevers for several days at a time twice in the last month. It was miserable! In between the fevers, Maclain tripped and fell down the stairs. That resulted in his first concussion. I can only assume he'll have more in the future given how active and fearless he is!

Beckett has been knocking out the milestones since Christmas! In January he started sitting up. I swear he went from tumbling over every few seconds to sitting solidly in just one day. A few days later, he started eating solid foods. The kid can really pack it away! One night, in particular, he at 2 servings of sweet potato, 1/2 cup of rice cereal, and 1/2 of a large avocado! I think he would have continued to eat if I'd let him. So far, Beckett has loved every food that has crossed his lips. I even found some gluten-free puffs, and he loves feeling like a big boy when he gets them in his mouth.

This week Beckett started crawling. Yep, crawling, at seven months! At first I was cheering him on with Maclain, but then I started thinking about what that accomplishment means for my life. It was SO great to plunk Beckett down and have him stay sitting in one spot with a toy for those few weeks between sitting and crawling. Now, he's everywhere, and the boy is determined! He loves Hot Wheels in particular, and I've come to realize that just about every one of Maclain's toys poses some sort of choking hazard. So, as my best friend put it recently, my primary job these days is to spend 24 hours a day making sure that Beckett stays alive.

Here are Beckett's 6 month stats:
Height: 27.5 inches (75-90%)
Weight: 16lb 9oz (25-50%)
So, Beckett is more than 1 pound heavier than Maclain was at 6 months. His thighs look so chunky to us, and he feels really dense. Yet, he's below average in weight. Crazy!

1 comment:

  1. chunky...until you change Mariana's diaper and see those rolls! What a fun time with the little mover! he has those meltable eyes! have fun tonight!
